March 13, 2023

Here is a sample email you can use to send to your parishioners about the Annual Appeal.
View Email to Parishioners – Pre-Appeal Weekend PDF

Sample Priest to Parishioner E-mail
Bishop’s Annual Ministries Appeal

Dear First Name,
I pray this letter finds you and your loved ones well. At PARISH NAME we are a community of love that is made possible by the hope and love we have in Christ.

It is a joy of mine to see our parish come together in love, service, and support of one another and to our community. When we work together, we can make a positive difference in the lives of many and share the love we have in Christ.

This year, we have the chance to join our Episcopal church family through the Bishops Annual Ministry Appeal to share God’s love with the episcopal ministries that need our support.

Through the programs supported by the Bishop’s Annual Ministries Appeal, our diocese helps in incredible ways, from assisting immigrants to get settled into a new life and home (ERICA), to providing opportunities for our youth to learn new skills (Sutton Scholars, Claggett, Reading Camps and Youth Ministry), to offering spiritual care and guidance to communities across the diocese (Latino Ministries, Hopkins Chaplaincy, Seafarers’ Center), and more.

The Bishops Annual Ministry Appeal supports more than just our collective ministries. Our PARISH NAME will receive 15% back of every dollar raised by our parishioners so that we can further the ministries of our church!

Let us come together as a community of love to support our parish ministries and the ministries of our Episcopal church. Please prayerfully consider joining me in making a gift to support PARISH NAME and the ministries of the Bishop’s Annual Ministries Appeal.

Start your commitment today by making a gift online at:

Thank you so much for your consideration. Your incredible support and your continued generosity are a testament to the love you have for our community.

In Christ,