to our Community of Love

We're Seeking a Property Portfolio Manager

The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland is seeking a Property Portfolio Manager to serve as the first point of contact for congregations and diocesan bodies on all property matters. This is a full-time diocesan staff position. Learn more here.

Request for Proposals: IT Audit and Assessment

The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland is seeking proposals to provide an audit and assessment of its constituent database, financial, fundraising, administrative and communications operations and systems compatibility. Learn more.

Maryland Episcopalian Spring 2024

The Spring edition of Maryland Episcopalian is now available. Read it online here [PDF file]. Links to online-only content are below.

The Ordinary and the Extraordinary: You are Salt and You are Light [YouTube Video] – The Right Rev. Carrie Schofield-Broadbent

A Call to End the Unholy Trinity [YouTube Video] – The Right Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton

Subscribe to Maryland Episcopalian

We are committed Christians worshiping in the Episcopal tradition and working in more than 100 faith communities throughout western, central & southern Maryland. We are a community of love, encountering Christ and engaging the world.